Sunday, March 2, 2008

Conquest: Voting Results and Related Suspicions

The results of the voting are curious. Although we have 13 members of our team, 86 votes were cast. 86 Votes? Hmmmm. In the end, the vote was tied: 43 for Conquest / 43 against Conquest.

For the time being, the results have been impounded. No official result will be reported until a full investigation is conducted.

More as the story develops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to give my name but thought you should know that there is a girl from like Storckbridge or West Stockbridge or Barrington sor something who has been bragging at school that she voted in this thing like a hundred times. I mean oh my god that seems sooooo unfair. And Conquest is such a coooool coooool song. And I don't want to give my name cause she is pretty tough and has a tough brother who carries a stick around, and she hangs out with these really tough girls and one is Madelyne and one is Alex and one is Viktori and one is Lara and one is Ana and they are always going to hockey rinks and stuff. And that hockey team protects them. And they are always bragging about rattlesnakes and those are so so dangerous. So i can't say who i am.