Friday, September 19, 2008

Pre-Season Ice

The Squirts and Peewees will be holding pre-season ice sessions at Amelia Park in Westfield, MA as follows:

Oct 4 at 6 pm
Oct 11 at 5 pm
Oct 18 at 5 pm
Oct 25 at 5 pm

Unlike years past, each team will be handling its own pre-season sessions and we will need to collect money to cover the cost of the ice. I will let you know the expected price per player, but it should not be any more than we’ve charged for the summer sessions. Squirts and Peewees will be sharing the ice.

Please make every effort to attend these sessions.

I am also hoping to run an off-ice session next weekend. More information on that will be provided soon.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Troy Thanksgiving Tournament

I wanted everyone to know that we intend to sign-up once again for the Troy Thanksgiving Tournament. I realize that we may not have a full team. But I have found in years past that this Tournament forces the players to start playing as a team early in the season. Obviously, if you have Holiday plans that take you out of the area, we will shoulder on without you. I also recognize that we will need to share to the cost of the Tournament among the team members and hope this isn’t too much of a problem. In any event, in the last 2 years, I think that this Tournament has really served us well and suspect it will once again.

Monday, September 8, 2008

PreSeason Tournament - Nope

Thanks to those who provided prompt responses to my email.

Given the conflicts, the golf tournament and the non-responses responses, we have declined the Schnectady Pre-Season Invitational Tournament.

With that out of the way, let me say it one more time: If you have not done so already, I encourage you all to contact Kathy Ives about the Golf Tournament ( ).

Saturday, September 6, 2008

UPDATED: Pre-Season Tournament Possibility!

[See below for update]

We have been asked about our interest in participating in a preseason tournament by Schenectady B on the weekend of Sept 20 and 21. It would be an informal round robin with teams from Suffern, Troy B, Schenectady A as well as their B team. They are trying to work out the details and the cost is unclear (but I know the ice is cheap).

Anyway, I would jump at this but for two issues: (1) I know kids still have soccer commitments and, more importantly, (2) Sept. 20 is the Golf Tournament.

Let me know how you all feel about this opportunity. If we have enough interest, I suppose we could car pool to Schenectady, leaving most adults free for the Golf Tournament plus we could ask the Tournament Director to schedule in a way that leaves us all free til Saturday afternoon.

Please let me know what you all think as soon as possible.

Update -- the response so far suggests that this will not work. in order to play we will need 7 skaters and a goalie. if you are interested, please let me know by tomorrow am -- otherwise i will decline. also, let me stress, the golf tournament remains the top priority. if you have not already done so, i would enourage you all to participate by either golfing or helping in some capacity.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day and Not Too Early To Be Thinking About Hockey

I hope you all had a great summer.

Although Labor Day is not yet over, I thought I would let everyone know that we are already starting to think about the upcoming hockey season.

The following players are on the roster, although some paper work is still making its way to Ann-Marie:

1. Jackson Aldam
2. Ethan Cohen
3. Spencer Cookson
4. James Huften
5. David Ibanez
6. Peter Lovejoy
7. Matthew Madsen
8. Aaron Norton
9. Kyle Smith
10. Jacob Malicky
11. Grace Jennings
12. Alex Niemann
13. Sam Hoover
14. Daniel Driscoll
15. Henry Beckwith
16. Jake Diamond

The situation with ice at the Berkshire School remains uncertain. I also have not yet heard about plans for pre-season ice. However, the Board meets next week, and I imagine we will get a full report after the meeting. Meanwhile, two Peewee team reps have already been appointed by the Board: Tom Torrico and Charlie Humes.

Our coaching staff remains more or less intact: Mark Aldam, Carl Niemann and Matt Norton (who will be helping out with goal keeping). Also, Coach Driscoll will be providing guidance throughout the season. I am hoping to supplement our team with perhaps one other coach. If you (or someone you know) is interested, please let me know.

Lisa ( will again be serving as our excellent scheduler.

We are also looking for a couple of people who are willing to serve as team parents.

I know that Shawna, Laura, Alex, Victoria and Maddy have already begun preparing for the season. Any siblings interested in serving on our booster squad should contact Maddy at

Let me also make a big push for volunteers to help with the 8th annual Berkshire Youth Hockey Golf Tournament which will be held on Saturday, September 20th at the Copake Country Club. Anyone who is available to help in any capacity, please contact Kathy Ives (Golf Tournament Chair) at

Now, let’s talk about business. I know that many of our players – as well as their families -- have competing obligations on the weekends. So, what I am going to propose is completely voluntary. But, assuming we have enough interest, I would like to try to get together as a team at least once every weekend beginning in mid-September. If we can get ice, we can start skating. If we can’t get ice, we can run dry-land drills and start working through various plays and systems. Again, this is completely voluntary. If you would be interested in this kind of pre-season preparation, please let me know. Also, I would gladly include players from other levels.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.